
Dominic Bercier

Dominic Bercier

Artist, writer, designer, PopTerra and SIGNAL Saga creator – Dominic Bercier – has dreams of mental health for all, which he broaches in The Hope Book, and documents in battles against evil in his 24 hour comics – Like Never Before and Like Never Again (adapting La Chasse-Galerie), and The Ballad of Jimmy and Rose, about an empath and an engineer who doesn’t actually think, seemingly completely at odds in love, yet deeply intertwined through time – polar opposites entwined by destiny. 

Dreams, magic realism, suffering for your art, and working in franco-ontarien French and in English with his comics and graphic novels, all these passions drove Dominic to the edge of sanity on more than one return, a deep relationship with art which he tempered with rigor, honesty and candor throughout his crucible of graphic novel creations Treadwell and Ghost King, among others, which allowed him to create Mirror Comics Studios, in Ottawa, Canada. 

Following his family as “the kid who never stopped drawing,” his young artist road took him from Eastern Ontario (Treadwell) to Ottawa, in 1984, which led him to excel as a multi-award-winning student and artist at Le Centre d’Excellence Artistique de l’Ontario, and later at Ontario College of Art & Design, in Toronto, wherefrom he graduated with an Illustration degree in 2002. 

Hidden in plain sight while in art school, Dominic offered back up pencils for books like Angel, Rising Stars, 10th Muse and other super books from Image, Top Cow and Dark Horse, to hint at a few ghost gigs as assistant penciler, around Y2K. 

All the while, he followed his stories, which led him down a Borgesian or equally PKD-style ‘mystery of creativity within the mystery of creativity,’ a passion wild and pregnant with his stories’ and collaborations’ own desire to become new story visuals through his pen, fighting to forge himself while battling the awe of what he could imagine, both great and terrible, giving him a bearing straight on his circuitous journey, a dream he called SIGNAL Saga, trying to document through drawing and painting, with only his memory and his paper and pencil by his side (not to mention dear family and friends, and a lot of medicine). The Imagination became his land of lore. The stories drawn by Dominic Bercier ought to veritably have killed him a thousand times, but he persevered like a comic book ninja, to bring about . . . his dream. . .


SIGNAL Saga: The Good